Watercolor wisterias painting, modified Chinese style. Paint along demo tutorial

Hello my friends, thank you so much for visiting us here in my blog. I hope you found it fun watching this video and at the bottom of this post I will include a very simple line drawing if you need it. I hope this is relatively easy for you to follow, just try to take your time and I think with this kind of painting technique, it is quite beneficial to watch it through a few times, so when you finally put paints on paper, you will be more confident in your stroke. Let me know how it goes.

The sky just dump about 10 inches of snow on us today, well since last night. And it is truly very beautiful outside. My plan was to go out later to do some shoveling for fun and exercise. However my husband had use the snow blower this morning, and then just now my neighbor used theirs to help us blow the rest 5 inches off, such good neighbors. They totally did three houses today, got lots of exercise I am sure. But I will still put on my snow boots to tidy stuff up like my stair and the backyard stairs, just for fun, and now the snow is deeper than the knees in the backyard, truly a fun time to go out and walk around. I like walking around my house for exercise after a ton of snowfall. It maybe kind of strange to you guys. My husband is usually very busy this time of the year with research and teaching, so going snowshoeing will be hard, but he often go with me cause it is very fun. We have some really fun trails around here. But my backyard has a wide pine tree, it is now very very tall, I remembered when it was a baby and I intentionally wanted it to stay there, actually down the gully, with my lilac brush which is also wild. And today the snow is very think on top of the branches, and I can see the branches are laboring hard to hold up the snow. If you had try my gnome chirstmas painting? That Christmas tree laden with snow, my wild pine in the backyard was the inspiration. And today one of the branch had a hole in snow cover, that made me smile cause I did that with our christmas tree in that painting too. It truly is very pretty. My driveway is very steep, so I have to put on snow boots and cleats just to be safe. I broke my wrist about 20 years ago, not wearing cleats, well at that time cleats wasn’t big. So now we are very careful. Oh I can’t wait to go outside to see, and it is especially beautiful when the chickadees come out, but today the birds are quiet because the temperature is below freezing, they usually come out when the sun comes out. Do you guys enjoy fun snow winter fun. Snow shoeing really is not that hard. On fb this week, my in law went to Yellowstone National parkt and ride snow mobiles around and saw wolves. I have never ride a snow mobile before, so now we are excited to try. I think you can see the wolves closer, but then the snow moblies are so noisy, I don’t see why the wolves will be willing to stay around for the fun. We really have not had a chance to see Yellowstone in the deep winter, we are very excited to do that. It is just so much fun up there for out door people.

Ok that’s very long on snow fun. Let’s get the color used mentioned here. Cadm yellow light, cadm yellow medium, sap green, prylene green, Dioxizane purple, chinese black ink and a bit of burnt umber. I hope you guys have fun mixing the burnt umber and chinese ink together, I failed to mention one of the reason for chinese ink is because after a few minutes, it will adhere permanently to the paper, and it will be easy to put other color around it. However, I was hoping that if I add any other color, it will also stick to the paper permanently, which is not the case at all. I have tried many time, so be careful here, cause the burnt umber will actually run while the ink stayed. It is quite fun.

Thank you for being here, hope you have a very good Feb day. And until next time, keep your brush wet.



  • Lori Campbell

    Hi Kathy,
    My daughter saw this painting and she asked me to paint it for her. It came out pretty good. I had fun painting in the leaves and love the butterflies.

    • kathy

      Hi Lori, how are you? I missed hearing from you! I am so glad you had fun and you’re happy with the painting! Are you having a good summer? I am currently working on lilac probably film this week! So glad you are so supportive to tell me! You have a great day!

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