Watercolor bougainvilleas paint along tutorial demo
Hello my friends, thank you for coming to this post. Are you guys doing very well this fall? I have been out as much as I can, which is not very much to enjoy fall. Fall is lingering longer this year and we love that right? We had a very heavy watery snowfall for a full day 5 days ago, and I like to go shoveling snow for exercise and fun. When I was out shoveling that evening, I heard my neighbors’ tree go creak creak and crack. Lots of damages done around here from mother nature. The next few days it was chain saw cutting out tree limbs etc. And I thought fall was over, but nope, the tree color bounced back. In utah we usually don’t get snow this quick. Thanksgiving is still a great day to go hiking, which reminds me I will do that this year. The fun is people are very busy thanksgiving day cooking and families over, but we either have our family here or they are gone, and this year with both of my daughter pregnant, no one is coming. Sometimes I like to go round up people that I know are lonely and alone and have a fun meal, but sister Harris is gone to the other side, and we don’t know any students that are not going anyway. So maybe my husband and I will go on a hike on thanksgiving day, after we put in the turkey, perfect timing to do so. I like seeing wild turkey in the forest, they are so slow I don’t really know why they are still alive as we have tons of cougars in our mountains here. They are more fit though compare to the turkey around our neighborhood, people feed them and so they stick around. I love watching them try to fly, and they do, but with great effort because they are so big. I saw pheasants here once a while, in the next little while I have to decide if I am doing a pheasants, I hope so. I have lofty goals and I try to make them into video and I am so grateful you all are so supportive of me.
So in the middle of fall I decided to do this bougainvillea, because I know you guys like flowers, so I told myself I can’t see this flower in person, the closest I know is my father’s house well my brother’s now in Los Angeles. So I decided to go ahead without waiting for the season. This flower is so prolific, and my father really is one with green thumbs, my brother now inherit all the flowers and is doing well with them. I saw this in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong also. Because of the restrain in time, that’s all we can do. But I love it and hope you have fun with it too, even though it’s unseasonal and it’s all wrong for this area.
Color choices, are my green mix, cadm yellow, indigo, sap green, prylene green, Magenta, Quin Violet. A smaller mix of color but still very nice to combined. Let me know if there are any questions. Provided that you don’t mind long answers. You guys are the best.
Do you travel to other countries and if so, is looking at their flowers one of your priority?? I love looking at flowers of the world. We were in Malaysia jungle at the wrong time of the year, but still I try to catch a banana flower here and there, and if there is a lacking of flowers, I often found trees very nice to behold. Leaves, rocks etc. If you like, you can leave comment to me about what flowers of the world other than what we have in United States that you love, those comments often become inspirations to me. And do you notice any birds or animals. Of course those are more shy. When we arrived in our hotel in Singapore, a little bird was there singing the most beautiful song next to our window. After some searching I finally found her and she was raven black with a beautiful yellow beak. And the size are bigger than regular size birds here in utah. I loved it. We were so hoping a hornbill will show up in the jungle, according to the native people they do exist. And I so wanted to see them, they said in the morning sometimes they will fly through the jungle. I think this summer we definitely will do a hornbill. Thank you so much for stopping by, love you all. Have a wonderful fall and go sketching outside. Till next post, love, Kathy
Lori Campbell
I loved painting this and learning about the Bougainville. Both magenta and Pyrene green are hard colours for me to paint with but I did ok. I’ve been improving with your videos. Thanks again.
Hi Lori, why is Prylene Green hard for you? Of course I understand how I dislike red, but I think I did ok this Christmas. You can also try around other green that you like, I like it because it can be mixed very easily without turning into mud. That’s why I use them, but I would love to hear your concern. I am so happy you have been painting along. Tomorrow morning I am releasing a video on penguin, becuase I want to talk about trying some animals or birds to try to force ourselves to pay attentions to lines and forms. Also I love black Chinese ink, I want to try to convince people to try that too. Thank you for saying hi, I love hearing from you.