watercolor yellow butterfly on zinnias paint along demo tutorial
Hello all my friends, thank you for being here. I am so grateful for your support and painting along. This is the last one of our butterfly for this year. We have more…
Watercolor forget me not demo paint along tutorial
Hello my friends, thank you so much for visiting this post. this little flowers really is quite fun and simple to paint along. As i said in the video, it is almost a…
Watercolor yellow butterfly forget me not demo tutorial
HELLO my friends, thank you for being here. This is our second painting of the butterfly. I would like to do a third one, but maybe we will do a flower of summer,…
Watercolor two butterflies demo tutorial
Hello my friends, I hope you are excited about painting this painting with me. I have given a lot of thoughts into the coloration of these two butterflies and I ended up quite…
Watercolor freeing the Pooh demo. Tribute to Ernest shepherd.
Thank you for coming to this blog post. I have so much fun painting this Pooh painting. Illustration is fun. For some reasons I have always been fascinated by children illustrations. But Ernest…
watercolor yellow rufous hummingbird demo paint along tutorial
Thank you my friends for coming to this so much fun hummingbird demo. I hope you all are having a very good spring summer and are trying to go out if you can…
Watercolor blue purple lilac with butterfly paint along demo tutorial
Hello my friends, thank you for coming to this painting on youtube and blog post. Since this is a more spontaneous style of watercolor painting, I try to redraw the drawing in ink…
watercolor lady’s slipper orchid demo tutorial paint along Part 1 and 2
Thank you everyone for coming to check out this post. I had so much preparing designing and executing this painting. I have always loved lady’s slipper orchid. So delicate and yet so tough.…
Painting of the Savior watercolor demo tutorial
Hello all of my friends, welcome to this fun simple painting of the Savior watercolor painting! I am so glad that we can actually do this painting together. Run into so much trouble…
Watercolor cattleya orchid paint along tutorial demo
Thank you everyone for coming to my blog post , I got sick right after I made this video I am so glad.