Watercolor fall aspen groves demo paint along tutorial

Hello my YouTube friends, Thank you for joining me here on this fall aspens painting. I feel very blessed to be able to be surrounded by such beauty. And maybe this painting is just to catch the last of the beauty of fall. This year a big snowstorm came upon us, and a lot of the beautiful colors are gone, but still we can see some left over beauty in the mountain area. We went on hikes as much as we can and time permits. The colors in the mountain seems to be extra beautiful this year. Do you have a lot of fall color in your neck of the woods. If you do, then this kind of landscape should not be strange to you, or new. I have always enjoyed hiking in the aspens, but my favorite truly is the pines. Deseret hiking is good too since we have zion national park, and Moab, the red rocks are beautiful and hope you can have a chance to visit Utah. National Parks are just wonderful aren’t they. And I hope if you have given the time to paint and learn, you may find yourself able to find beauty all around you when you go hiking. I really do, it almost, sometimes feel like you are in a museum, and I greatly enjoyed that. I have to keep myself from telling my husband too much about how beautiful it is. I guess he is used to it. Sometimes I would say, oh look at that tree. It is all so wonderful I think being an artist, I am often at awe the Master of all creations and the beauty He created for us. Even though life is not too easy, but the beauty around us sometimes do give us the breaks that we need, I truly believe that. Going hiking is really our way of getting closer to God by being in his creations. It was fun taking our children to disneyland when they were young, but we quickly taught them to go hiking with us soon after they can learn how to hike. And now they go hiking with their own families, and my son in law is very good at teaching his children to hike, they are quite tough.

Ok, off to the color we used here, cadm yellow light, cadm yellow medium, quin burnt orange, cadm medium red, quin gold. Payne’s gray and quin violet, also some prylene green and sap green.

The next big holiday coming up is Thanksgiving. Are you guys traveling to see family? Both of my daughters are pregnant and so we are staying put in our respective area. I often love to go down to BYu library when no one is there. I get to have the library all to myself, except some of the international students. This year I am really going to go look at books and inspirations, I love that, I could spend all day there. Thanksgiving day to us is great to go hiking, we put in the turkey at 330 degrees and cook for a long time, while turkey is cooking we can go hiking, we have a perfect hike and when we get home the turkey is almost done. My husband and I can really get the all side dishes done in no time. I like to take out my good china. This year I am looking around for guests, if anyone in our area needed a warm place to spend thanksgiving that will be our house. I missed the people that used to come and has now passed on. Hope we will make some friends. I have a good lists of painting to do in the next little while, so excited. Please stick around and it will be another fun year in 2023. It will also be a very busy year for us with grand children coming, but they are all good things. I am currently working on home project for Christmas display outside, I will post video in Instagram, it is sort of fun art project. I have begun painting and I think you guys will enjoy seeing what I am up to. Thank you again, keep your brushes wet and keep up the good work. love, Kathy


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