Watercolor pansies paint along purple and yellow pansies demo tutorial. some new way of handling watercolor problem shooting. Trying a new brush

Hello my friends, how are you doing today? We had quite a bit of snow the passed few weeks and I went down to the university to check on the pansies, and some of them have one flower and the burnt brown leaves have some green ones coming out. So I hope they survived the dry winter and are doing well. Maybe still will have a great displace of blooms here in a few weeks. I guess I worried but I think the BYU botanical department probably knows exactly what they are doing right? So much knowledge and experiences right? It is very nice to have a good department with this university, I really want to take you guys on a outing sometimes, it is not hard for me to do so, more I am worried if you would like to do that with me. I also have plans to bring library books home to have fun looking through them with you and also doing some sketching with pencil or pen. If those of you who really read this post, let me know if that is something you would be interested to see. If so more fun but just different fun.

Now on my painting desk is another drawing waiting for me to practice for the next video. This one I actually had to practice and then change my mind to a better composition. I am sure it will be great fun when that is done. I am so grateful for your support, I have had so many email or messages about how you guys do enjoy the explaining of what I am doing. I took a leap of faith to do so, as most artists on youtube don’t explain. I thought that if I were starting out or even painted for a while, I would love to hear from an artist explaining how to do certain things. I am glad it is working out and you do like that style. I hope I did it clearly and thank you again for putting up with me, my lack of vocabulary and also the mind being too busy and hard to fetch the words. As you can see when I do this writing of the post, I don’t try to write an outline or anything, I just start typing, and I am not that bad in my english, but when doing the video it’s harder cause the brain is tested to a great extend. I actually quite enjoy it, because it is very good for me to keep sharp. I like the challenge and hope it will keep me sharp for years to come. And it is so valuable to have these videos for everyone and my children for reference. It included many years of hard work and tears sometimes, but I just considered myself lucky to be able to accumulate these knowledge and luckier to share with you who are willing to learn and practice. I am very proud that you guys really get up and do it, because then we will learn and win, it is somewhat of a challenge to push ourselves to go do something for our growth, the benefits are so much we have to do a different blog post to just barely list it. But bravo to all of you who tried and who will try. Good job and I am very happy for you that you have found something that opens up a whole new world of joy and fun and learning and discipline.

In this painting, the first thing I want to mention is the new brush that you seen. I used it a little in the pass, it is a three pack present from my daughter Elissa to me for Christmas. I am not sponsored they don’t know who I am. she paid it and I was very happy. I am very picky, in the construction of the brush, because I need it to serve a lot of different purposed. Most importantly is able to have a very pointed tip and a big fat belly for paint and water. This is the medium size of the three, I have yet to try the larger one. It’s called Dugato on Amazon, hope you can find it. My trusty little chinese brush is currently set aside for me to get used to this brush. It is an absolute truth that an artist will get used to a brush, and that brush is a very important tool to the artist, through 20 years of experience I know how that process go, and I don’t usually get attach to a brush that doesn’t come to a sharp tip. I can even overlook brush shedding, most western paint brush shed, amazingly most of my Chinese brushes doesn’t, I think the brush maker tends to put a lot of glues on the brush for the Chinese style, in doing so they eliminate the shedding in the expense of the capacity of holding water. But once the shedding ceased than all brushes are good. So I hope you find something you like, the Dugato I think is less than 30 dollars for three brushes. Watch the video and my other videos, I sometimes mention brushes and how to get a good one, how to get used to one, I have so much informations on all of my videos that you can learn a lot of them, if I may say learn, learn what I have accumulated in experience. I can learn from you too. Feel free to tell me about some tips you have, I will be delighted to hear.

I also try to help with the blooming of watercolor, it is very detailed explained in this video, so I hope you can tell what I was trying to do. I really think following this way will help a lot. And let me know if you try. I am going to start doing it this way too, because it certainly helped me. Remember a bigger belly brush will have a lot more water than the little Chinese brush. But two three times of practicing a painting you will get used to a brush, nothing beats practicing.

Colors used, dioxazine purple, quin violet, cadm yellow medium, and a bit of orange. A little bit of payne’s gray for intensifying, and then my green color mix which are indigo, prylene green windsor newton, sap green and cadm light yellow. It is colorful isn’t it. I love it. Hope you will too.

I will see you soon again. Thank you for stopping by.



  • Linda

    You are fantastic ! I acquired more info from your site than I have from many art classes over the years. Your lovely voice is very calming and I love your painting style.

    Best wishes

  • Georgena Hanning

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. It makes painting so much easier to paint along with an artist like you.


  • Marie

    Merci beaucoup pour vos tutoriels ..je n’avais pas fait de l’aquarelle depuis enfant a l’école. Grace a vous j’apprends beaucoup et c’est vraiment passionnant..je ne perds pas un seul de vos travaux ..Je vous admire ..et vous félicite. Bonne continuation et salutations sincères

  • Diane Lozier

    Kathy , your so easy to listen to. You have a gentle kind spirit that comes through when you speak. Your skill of painting is fabulous. I watched a tutorial and did not paint however I will try tomorrow.
    You mentioned your blog, how can I access your blog I would love to follow you.

    Warm regards
    Diane Lozier

    • kathy

      Hello Diane this is my blog that I mentioned so welcome to our group here! Sometimes I felt like in order to speak clearly I felt like I talked too loud, I am so glad you didn’t feel that way! Thank you for your kind words and I hope everything is helpful to you when you try!

  • Pat

    I really enjoy you tutorials. Your voice is very calming along with the music. I have learned a lot from them. Keep it up!

    • kathy

      Welcome to our group of friends here! So glad you like the tutorials! I will keep them coming, thank you for your support and encouragement, means the world to me!

  • Noela White

    Hi Kathy it was nice to spend time in your blog/tutorial. I think I’ve learned a lot. It’s great to be taught my someone who has shared enthusiasm for beautiful flowers I’m looking forward to what’s to come.

    • kathy

      Welcome here Noela, yes you will see more flowers to come! Birds animals and drawing! Thank you for your kind words and just have fun with us!

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