Watercolor poppies tutorial paint along, paint with color saturation abstract outlines and dropping watercolor technique and preserving whites. Watercolor poppy flowers.

Hello my friends, so glad you made it here. I know poppies are probably a better subject during memorial day, but somehow the inspiration comes, so I decided to go ahead and do a paint along. I do have that artist temperament as I speak of it often in my video, got an idea in my head and don’t know how to get rid of it. So for you information, I am writing longer blog post, feel free to skip over it or just read it here and there, my daughter challenged me to do more than 700 words has to do with Google search, so don’t be offended that I go on and on. I happened to have a gift of talking too much, so I will just talk about many things here, don’t worry I will never quiz you on what I wrote.

First let me give you some of the color I used: Cadmium Red Medium and a touch of Alizarin Crimson for the poppies petal, with a slight touch of yellow to brighten the red up. Crimson is used for the outline too. If you don’t have those color, use a medium or brighter red, then a darker red, or you can even mix in a drop of black into your red to make it darker. Let me know if you would like me to do a video of some of the good paint palettes you can get out there. I know Daniel Smith watercolor is an investment, I collected many of them through the years as an artist, and frankly I don’t even spend much money, this is my only vice that I can think of for now, maybe more will show up, I just forget them. Other than that, I use my standard color for greens, Indigo, Perylene green, sap green and some light yellow ( cadmium yellow light). Mix them up or drop them in, watch the video and that is about it. Please forgive me if I forgot to mention any others, but you will do well if you have some blue green, light green and yellow to mix for your green stuff. Please let me know if you like to talk about watercolor paint, actually please just write me a comment I would love to hear from you and be friends.

My other daughter Elissa wrote a book, she is the one in Texas. Her book is now in Amazon ready for pre order, so of course I want to say something about it, like a review if I may. since they won’t let her mom at this point write a review on amazon, so here is my honest opinion. I think it is a very fun book for teenager audience, sort of like Harry Potter. since there are just not enough good teenage books out there, sadly to say. I love books and love to read a good book. Reading enlightens our minds, give our mind a chance to imagine, it is a very good thing. The book is about ghost ( but maybe), and good people vs bad. It is very engaging, somehow she knows how to lead the reader into wanting to find out more what is going to happen, and that is fun. I read the first half of the book in a week or so, and the last half in one night, so I would call that a page turner. I am very proud she did that, this really is her first book, she had published articles here and there through the years. She is quite young around 30 years of age. The book is also very clean, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone. If you like to let your children or grand children have a chance to read, then leave me a comment I think she offers discounts. I think Kindle is just as good for the above mentioned creative mind process. Ok I really didn’t tell you much about the book, let me try hard. So under some corrupt authorities, people are rebelling from the unrighteous punishment of being able to communicate with the ghost. The ghost are very bad, but somehow some people can communicate with them and they will be sorely punished. So a group of good people decided to fight the ghosts and get rid of them???? So this book is about the journey and adventures. It’s a fun book, don’t worry just read it, you will have fun. And we will love you for supporting us, her. and don’t forget to be friends, and leave me comments. I love people who wants to learn art, it’s exciting and we need each other’s support. I am willing to share with you and hope you are not shy to share with me your progress, as you progress so will I, we can learn from each other.

Amazon link for her book : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GMZFWTJ

Thank you again, like I said, just read here and there unless you really like to read what I have to say. See you soon. I have lots of ideas, but love to hear yours and your need in painting. BYE for now. love, Kathy

Here is a drawing that I promised! Have fun!!!


  • Mary

    I am about 2/3 of the way through this video. I just love it. Thank you so much for explaining so vividly what your process is and the colors that you use. So much of what you have said will be so helpful for me moving forward with my watercolor painting. I do not think that this video is too advanced. At least not for me. I have been painting for about a year. I had absolutely no experience when I started so this has been a very slow process for me. Thank you again

    • kathy

      Thank you Mary for your comment and insights on the level!Now I know I can maintain good level of technique! I am delighted of your diligence in learning you will do so well! Please update me with progress if you like, it motivates me a lot!

      • Dalette

        Kathy .Can you please share the name and brush #number..and the size paper and about what the paper is made from..Thank for your beautiful work .Ty Dalette Rushlow

        • kathy

          Thank you Dalette!!! I will do a special post on the various supplies! And I will be sure to mention them on each video, either in the video or in the post or both! Thank you!

  • kathy

    Thank you Lisa for your kind and encouraging words! I love it to hear from you! And I hope to hear more about your progress! Please keep coming back I have a lot of paint along to upload and tons of fun we can have together! And I absolutely love the feedback! Also I just uploaded a drawing of the poppies so you can use, thank you for reminding me! Love kathy

  • Jennifer Abbott

    I thank you so so much for this beautiful painting. I love your technique and your explanations are so clear and helpful. I hope to do this painting and I shall be thrilled to bits if it turns out half as lovely as yours.

    • kathy

      You are kind! I am so happy you let me know that you will paint along! We always get better the more we do something! If there’s anything that I am not clear please let me know! I would love to know how you feel after trying! Thank you!

      • Deborah

        I fell in love with your poppies when I found them on Pinterest. Drew them out on watercolor paper and before I watched the video, I lost you because I could not remember where I had seen the beautiful tutorial.

        The pencil sketch haunted me…
        I kept searching until I found you again.
        I was so happy when I found you again.

        The video has inspired me. Yesterday I began working on the poppies and I learned so much about how to make “happy spaces” in a painting.

        Hopefully, I will finish the poppies within the next day or two because your website has so may delightful tutorials…
        I think I want to try the sunflowers next.

        Thank you Kathy for sharing your beautiful work and explaining it so clearly. (And for being so delightfully refreshing to watch)

        • kathy

          Hi Deborah, thank you for your kind words and glad you found us! Yeah it’s very good to have the drawing first I am glad you found them! Let me know how it goes and be sure to try more paintings! Yes I am a watercolor nerd lol and I say so many things in my videos!!! Have a very good day!!!

  • Paula Logan

    This is the first video I have watched of yours and it was very enjoyable. I have been teaching myself to draw for the last few years (since retiring) and I would now like to try painting. Your work is lovely and you are quite entertaining. Thank you

  • Barbara Kelly

    Hi Kathy, I just finished your poppy tutorial. Your instruction was very easy to follow. I am a beginner,and have always wanted to work in watercolor. Thank you for your beautiful work, and allowing me to follow along. I will be practicing on this for some time . I need to conquer poppies. Thank you again Barb Kelly

  • Georgena

    Kathy, I’m so glad that I found your tutorials. This was so much fun to do and you explain everything so well. I can actually say that I’m happy with my poppies! Thank you, Georgena

  • Lori

    I had a lot of fun doing this painting. I had better water control with each petal. I love the way you add colour and explain about the translucent petals. I’ve never seen a poppy here in Canada so your talk was very informative.
    Thank you for taking the time to make and post these videos.

  • Ronda

    I stumbled across your video purely by accident. I couldn’t see the drawing so when you started painting I picked up my brush and a red paint and started trying to copy what you were doing. It was great fun and I was pleasantly surprised at the result. So thank you Kathy. You have a new fan and follower. Ronda

    • kathy

      Oh welcome here! The drawing is usually at the bottom of the blog post after all of my rambling!!! I am so glad you have a good time! I hope you can try others when you have time! Thank you!

  • Doriene

    Kathy, I love your tutorials. You are so sweet and funny! I do not think they are too hard or too long! Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us beginners.

  • Barbara

    Hi Kathy, I completed your poppy watercolor tutorial! You are such a wonderful painter and I can’t thank you enough for your guidance. I tried to send you a picture o my painting but it wouldn’t let me.

    • kathy

      Hi Barbara, thank you so much for writing me. You can send it to [email protected], or send an image on instagram to my sunset_peonies, thats how most people do it. I am not very good at technology either, you are doing much better than I am. I would love to see it. Have a good day.

  • Barbara

    Hi Kathy, I completed your poppy watercolor tutorial! You are such a wonderful painter and I can’t thank you enough for your guidance. I tried to send you a picture o my painting but it wouldn’t let me.

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