Watercolor bird of paradise paint along demo tutorial

Hello my friends, I am very grateful to those of you that actually read this, so I really have no place to actually tell people where I am, but I am here with my lovely grand baby, V, she’s daughter of my partner and daughter Rachel. Wow when baby comes home it’s like a whirlwind, I have not been able to film even though a painting is in plan. So I just want everyone to know that I need to help my children and I will post again asap. But meanwhile I am sitting next to my love, v, so she can sleep and I can also let my children take a long nap. So much to blog about but typing on my tablet is very hard. I will redo this post when I get back to my home.
colors used, for the flower quin violet magenta, cadm yellow medium, cadm red med, dioxizine purple royal blue. Background is my green mix, prylene green indigo sap green and cadm green light.

ok have fun see you soon.


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