Watercolor dragonfly sheer wings Cone Flower paint along. Another fun painting to try sheer translucent objects, colorful painting to welcome spring flowers and insects

Hello everyone, thank you for being here and actually reading my post. I know it is nice and long, because google demands it. So I do what they like. Haha. Isn’t this dragonfly and cone flower so lively and lovely? So cheerful if I may say so. We have such long dry winter, and so much moisture for people in the mid west. And now so much suffering from the war that is going on. Of course we all contemplate about the current events. I was thinking and thinking and going through images, and suddenly an idea came to my mind, and so after this dragonfly and the pansies that is coming up, I have something sweet that we can paint along and talk about things. So look out for that, I won’t say much, but if you watch that video you will know it is for hope. We all need hope and faith, life is something imposed upon us by other’s decision, but God is all knowing and everything will work out in his own way and due time. We will talk about that later.

I already have a dragonfly with Cosmo that is currently in my shop and I sold a few of them, thank you guys. I really like to earn my money, so I have the shop set up to help me for the cost of running a blog and video taping and all the cost that goes with that. And of course supplies. So I do that so that you can get something pretty and fun while supporting my endeavor. And I don’t charge too much either, it is just that I don’t like to charge a lot for things. I love that dragonfly and the flower garden underneath it, and when summer is in full swing, I will go over to my neighbor’s house to take some pics for you guys. She has a big patch of cosmo, and in a very sunny spot so it is doing very very well. I will go sketch there, and if I can convince anyone to film me while I sketch that would be great too. If I do then somehow I will let you see me in action, lol. It will most likely to put on Instagram so it is short and fun to watch. If I film the whole process it will be extremely quiet and boring really. But that is one thing I have in the pipeline. And another thing is I want to have chatting youtube video, so I can show you some of the books from the library that I love, and I will maybe, if I can do a good quick and clean job, you can watch the process of me drawing and you can at home pick anything you can handle to draw too. Drawing is a big part of creativity and design, once we learn to see things as they really are, then we have no fear in composition or shapes or mistakes, we will talk more on that later. And if I made a couple of those videos and you guys like them, then I will make more. I think training ourselves to have a good eye is also very important, to truly appreciate real beauty takes a long time, by being exposed to a lot of good work. And of course making opportunities for ourselves to see good work. Then with the help of God, we can really see beauty all around us. I am often overwhelmed just going on hiking, I see beauty everywhere, great composition everywhere, how to paint this and that, so pretty soon I will have to quit and enjoy the silence and the singing of the birds. Often time I would point out an old dead tree blocking the path and told my husband how beautiful it was, I hope he is ok with that. And when the flowers are blooming I also want to do a video on how to look for nature and compositions too.

This dragonfly is full of pretty color. The insect itself is mainly Thalo blue and royal blue, maybe a little payne gray for the darkest tone. Then when the paint is dry I also drop a bit of thalo green in there for brightening of the insect. In the video I have the chance to explain to you about tonal value and winning color combinations. Cone flower we have cadminum yellow light, quin burnt orange ( you can use any burnt orange you have), burnt umber and magenta plus blue purple (Dixozine purple). Suggestion of leaves and background is just my usual green mix, prylene green indigo and sap green plus cadm yellow. And I splashed the color without filming which I explained. For a little bit of splashing you can watch the whale video towards the end it was fun, I demonstrate just a little.

Ok good bye for now and I will upload a simple drawing in case you need it. Kathy


  • beth Lemieux

    Hi there, I just stumbled upon this or you on a news feed that I get. I love the little bird so I just clicked into it and I love your style! This is what I’m trying to achieve myself in watercolor. I want to outline everything and color it in just perfectly like you did with crayons.

    • kathy

      Hi Beth, welcome to the blog and channel, I hope you try painting along, with crayons maybe really fun too. One of my friend is a crayons artist, he said he likes that he can go anywhere with it. Thank you for your kind words and I hope you have fun, it’s fun we have no pressure, just relax and take the time.

    • kathy

      Hi Noela! You can find them by going to the menu and clicking Shop. You can also find them by going to SunsetPeonies.com/shop . Thanks for visiting.

    • Kathy

      Kathy – you’re the artist, not me, so I certainly don’t feel like I know more than you do. In fact, I’ve learned a LOT from you and following along painting with you.

      But I just thought I’d ask if you’ve ever used the toothbrush technique for ‘splashing’. It’s a lot less messy, but still beautiful.

  • Debbie

    I am soooo happy I found you! I will be watching more and will look you up on other social media! I love your painting of the dragonfly and cone flower. I will be looking at others as well! Thank you for your free tutorial! It was fabulous and I will be doing one of these!!!

    • kathy

      Thank you for your kind words I had enjoyed making the dragonfly one! Yes please do and keep me update if you try any one video! Welcome!!!!!

      • Lauret DeWolf

        I love the colors in this video. I was inspired to try it.
        Thank you for the tutorials, they are very well narrated and inspire me to try others.

  • Monique

    I love the way you paint and the subjects you are choosing. It’s fresh and it brings joy when we look at it.
    Is it possible for you, to mention if you are using rough paper or not. And also, sometime, to suggest other similar color, in case we don’t have the ones that you are using. Thanks again for all the beautifull painting you bring into our lives.
    I speak french so I hope my english writing is O.K.

  • Lauret DeWolf

    I love the colors in this video. I was inspired to try it.
    Thank you for the tutorials, they are very well narrated and inspire me to try others.

  • Peggy

    Tried this today and loved the experience! What color did you use to outline the wings of the dragonfly? I used the Thalo Blue but that seemed a bit strong.

  • Kathryn Lucas

    BTW – I tried the dragonfly. I didn’t have the correct color for the flower. I used one that was more red. I put it on FB and it got rave reviews! I enjoy your blog. I’ve painted along with at least six of your paintings! Thank you so much!

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