Watercolor hummingbird on nest demo tutorial

hello my dear friends, thank you for coming to this post. I hope you will have fun trying this painting. It’s relatively easy and hope you have fun.

I have been having fun going to my backyard to watch birds. My neighbor has a few big hummingbird feeders, and so there are a lot of hummingbirds around. And while I was just watching birds one day, I don’t even have to feed the birds. I try to put some peanut butter with seeds on a pine cone and really no takers. The birds only come and visit while I water the plants outside. They come for the water. We also have a swamp cooler that periodically drain some water, and I know they love that. I don’t really know what happened, I suspect there are some new people in the neighborhood feeding them tons of seeds, and the birda are happy. Oh wwell if they are happy I am certainly happy for them. I thought peanut butter would be a big draw, but apparently not. But I saw a very very little bird nest, and so I rushed in the house and got my binocular. And the nest were under some leaves, and I was at an angle that I can see it. And It was greenish. I watched for a long time. But I know the mom must be weary of my present, so I went inside the house. And thought about it a lot, and decided to do some research on the nest. And I am quite sure it is a hummingbird nest, and that would make sense with the buckets of sugared water that my neighbor put out there. It is good, I get to watch them too. Now that I have new glasses, I can see them quite well from my yard. The house next to us had went through periods of no occupancy, and frankly I was likely having my backyard free of observers. But I guess good thing does n;t last long in this case. But still I like my neighbor a whole lot. They are very nice people from Africa. Ok back to bird nest. So I always liked to go to byu library, especially in the summer time, because there are nobody around. And I enjoyed drawing, painting, looking at books, and then I can do squats around when I sat too long. This time, as we were going up the steps from the underground parking lot, a pair of swallows decided to build a beautiful nest there. And in order to not scare them too much, I had to observe the nest quickly, but I can tell the birds were freaking out. So I did for 5 seconds, and the nest were actually quite similar to the humming bird nest that I saw. So that was the inspiration to this painting in the middle of summer. We had passed the longest day of the year couple of weeks ago. So its actually harvesting time for gardeners. Are you guys doing any vegetables gardening this year. I have an idea for the next painting, but I do not like to say it anymore cause I changed my minds a lot. But I hope every ody is enjoying nature and the nice summer. We are going to the beach soon too. Lots of fun things, and my daughter to coming to stay at my house on her way to canada to see the other in laws. I am grateful I can see my grand daughter baby, who is six months old. Nothing better in the whole world.

Ok lets talk about the colors used. Thalo blue and Diox purple for the top of the head. Sometimes some payne’s gray, sap green and prylene green for the body. Sepia and green gold mix for the muddy greenish nest, Burnt umber and little black for the branches, and my green mix.

I have been enjoying you guys saying hi to me here and on youtube, thank you so much for your kind remarks and friendship. I hope you guys are all progressing well in this journey. I went to yellowstone this year and did some painting outdoor. Ihope to work on finishing them more, and then I can show you guys what i did. I will attempt to have my husband take some short video too. Yellowstone is my magical place, I love it and so I will do lots of sketching outdoor. We can talk about painting supplies too. Have a very good day, talk to you soon.


  • Jeanne

    Kathy, this is so pretty! I love to watch the birds in my backyard as well. We’ve had several hummingbird nests and I’ve learned that they like to build their nests in areas where there are people as it deters other predators from getting to the nests. I’m getting ready to follow along with you as you paint this. You always have such a pretty style of painting. Thank you for always sharing! I appreciate you a lot.

    • Usha singh

      Kathy y , I came across your small painting of cute hummingbird and wanted to see if I can do it , I love water color especially the birds and nature , I was so inspired to see your work and will be very m, I will like uch interested in in following you on Facebook t thank you usha

  • Susan

    I am very inspired by your painting style. I purchased some brushes from the Oriental Art Supply store and they have opened up a new world of painting techniques. I love the way you enhance your paintings with subtle backgrounds. I am learning a lot from you. You are very kind ,talented and gracious.

  • Dottie

    Hi Kathy!
    I’ve been waiting for a new tutorial from you!! Loved it! I’ll send you a copy of how mine came out. I just Ordered some brushes that you use today. Can’t wait to give them a try

    Very much enjoy your tutorials


  • Virginia

    Hi Kathy, your hummingbird painting is charming. I love watching you paint and I learn so much from every one of your videos. Thank you for sharing your expertise and your time. I was in the process of painting your lovely lilacs when I fell, broke my arm and dislocated my wrist of my dominant hand. (Not while I was painting of course 🙂). So, no painting for 8 weeks, meanwhile I will continue to watch your demos.

    • kathy

      So sorry, I hope you recover well! I will pray for your recovery! There are a lot of value in watching ahead, if you get bored with my chatting you can turn sound off, lol! Get well soon!

  • Donna Ulrich

    Hi Kathy, do you have a tutorial in which you show doing your backgrounds? I would love to watch if you do. I am slowly going through all of your tutorials bu would love to see how you do your beautiful minimalistic backgrounds.

    • kathy

      I think so! If you go find the little pumpkin, in the description there’s a short video you can click on! And I should do a just background video soon! Thank you!

  • Maria Eadie

    Hi Kathy, I just found your chanel and I like your painting style. I love the hummingbird, I’m going to give it a try. I would like to see how you paint landscapes. Thank you.

  • Cindy

    Do you sell prints of your paintings? I tried to click on the shop button but it said page not found. Your work is beautiful. I would love to buy a print of the hummingbird in nest. Thanks 💗

    • kathy

      Hello Cindy, thank you for your kind comment! I had a shop but it’s super hard to work with WordPress so we’re going to try something else! Just stay tune!

  • Wyi

    Thank you so much for your generous tutorials. I did the humming bird. See attached.
    I’m having trouble attaching it.
    Thanks again

  • Jeanne C Clifton

    Oh my goodness – this is so beautiful – and I love your style of teaching and painting. Thank you thank you!

  • Charlene

    I just finished Mama Hummingbird. Thank you for doing this tutorial. I’m very happy with the way my painting turned out. Your instructions are so helpful, especially since I’m fairly new to painting with watercolors. My painting is getting framed😊❤️

  • Leticia Büchler

    Thanks a lot dear Kathy!!!! Your work is great, I enjoy every single tutorial. This one with hummingbird was really fun to do and to listen to your stories. I hope one day, that I can capture the beauty around of me in such nice compositions like you do!!!

    Send you a warm greeting from Switzerland


  • Ann Noe

    Kathy, I so enjoy your tutorials. Like you, birds are my favorite subjects. Sometimes it takes me many attempts to produce what I consider a decent watercolor – note to friends and those who are lonely. Art is so satisfying. Thank you for sharing your talents. Your tutorials are such a treat! God bless!

  • Anne

    Thank you so very much Kathy for this wonderful video. It is a delight to follow along and paint with you, I love your comments and your humor! I am still a beginner at watercolor painting but with your help and encouragment I was able to finish painting this beautiful momma bird. Looking forward to painting along with you again soon!

  • Cheryl Barnhart

    Thank you for such a wonderful tutorial on a hummingbird. My mother in law’s favorite bird. I made this her birthday card…Perfect!!

  • Peggy Radford

    I happened across this painting of the hummingbird in her nest. I am new to painting, but I had to try to paint this one. I enjoyed watching (and listenining to you) as you paint. I ended up being very pleased with my painting, too. Thank you for sharing your artistic talent with me. I look forward to painting along with you again! (Is there a video in which you share what kind of brushes you use and also where I could purchase them?)

  • Gerry Scholes

    I am new to watercolor medium and I have so much to learn. I love doing watercolor and the thought that I can finish a painting in a day or less. Nust so many techniques and tricks to learn. Thank you for helping. I love your wofk.

  • Heather

    I found you recently on YouTube. I hope to follow along with some of your tutorials soon, with two little kids it is hard to find time. Keep doing what you are doing. Your paintings are lovely.

  • Ginny Westrick

    Kathy – I love your tutorials! I have learned so much from watching you. In your hummingbird on nest youtube tutorial, you mention that you are waiting for people to show an interest in having you do a tutorial on painting leaves. I would LOVE to see such a tutorial from you. I would also love to see you do an entire “loose” background like the one you did for the hummingbird on the nest. I struggle with doing backgrounds and I love the way yours turn out! Thanks so much for sharing your time and talent with all of us lucky enough to have found you!

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