Watercolor aster flowers paint along demo
Just want to tell everyone I have a lot planned for Christmas seasons, howver there is a simple green leave painting that I want to get in after this one. So I will be preparing for that. I just love simple painting too, and there is real value in doing those. I think by now some of you would have framed some of the painting that you loved following along with me? Do you enjoy busier painting or simple paintings. I like to know. I f any of you actually read this post then you would find a way to answer me. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I am someone who loves to change painting on walls and display area with the seasons. I love to put snow drop or crocuses for Spring. Then comes summer and all the flowers and fall with trees, and winter with wise man and even santa. I found it fun for the mine to look at different things. So I have an area or two in my basement with paintings stacked up. My husband and my children and their spouses all loved art, so it is great to share and rotate this way. I am very grateful that my mother in law is so willing to buy art for her home. She passed away this year and now we have even more paintings passed on to us from her. A painting of Paris in the rain, some oriental paintings too. I don’t know about art, it inspires our mind to look and examine and appreciate. I love going to museum and such too. I love the diversity too. And I have a lot of art book and BYU library’s old books are my friends.
Ok let’s go to the color used. The blossoms are heavily quin violet, plus Dioxizine purple. The middle of blossoms are quin burnt orange and cadm yellow medium. For shadows I used indigo and payne’s gray. Green area is mainly prylene green plus sap green.
All the brushes and supplies I used are on my products lists in this blog. I am applying to Dick art supplies for being an affiliate, that would be fun cause I love going to their shop in Salt lake city to look around. Water color is fun, we don’t use that much paint therefore we can spend all we want because it will last a long time. As for brushes there are links to oas, they are nice people.
What are you guys doing for thanksgiving? Anywhere fun to see families, husband and I are staying around and will see the family at Christmas. Just love them all especially the grandkids.
Ok have fun and practice often, love you all. Kathy
Michele March
Hi Kathy, I’m really enjoying your blog and videos. I especially LOVE your style of painting! I have completed several of your tutorials…..actually, I do them twice. The first is a bit of a struggle, the second time I do seem to improve.
I have a request for your consideration. Several of your videos don’t show haw you complete the backgrounds. I know this is because of limited time. Is it possible you could do a video just on backgrounds? I’m sure you think they are easy, but when you are relatively new to watercolor, the background (for me) seems to get overworked and horrible.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas! I also send my sincere thanks for sharing your time and expertise in the tutorials!
All the best,