Watercolor daffodils demo paint along tutorial

Hello my friends and welcome to my blog. This daffodils watercolor will hope to be very fun for all of us to try. And if you don’t like the pencil marks showing, as you can see in some of mine, you should draw very very lightly. when you are tracing onto watercolor paper. I hope also at this point a lot of you will have in your possession a lot of different yellow color. I hope to review some more color palettes that we can easily get on Amazon, however i felt like it is spending a lot of money if I mainly dependent on my professional watercolor. So maybe when we have time we will look into soliciting companies to send us samples, then maybe I can feel freely in judging their watercolor for you to decide what you like. But meanwhile, you can get some color each week or month, very soon you will have more than you need. I hope somehow you can run into sales too, that’s always fun. So the daffodils outside are long gone, my garden is now working on giving me big blooms of peonies, and I have been giving them to neighbors and friends to spread the joy. IF all of you were my neighbors, I would give them to you too. They smelled so good and last so long. This year because of the massive amount of rainfall, it destroyed a lot of the little grasshoppers who spread diseases to peonies. So I am so excited that they are doing very well. But of course on the flip side, it is very sad to see people’s area getting flooded. I guess we are not equipped for a long for spring run off. Even though we have big mountains to hold water, it is still coming down very fast, and in our area it is filling up reservoirs and such. But people do have plensty of time to prepare and we went to fill sand bags, so we hope things will be well for them.

How are you guys doing? I hope your area i s not afflicted with floods and such. It’s just no fun, isn’t it. The only thing in our neighborhood that people experienced in years passed are mud slide. Doesn’t look like that would happen for us.

Ok talking about color used. Cadm yellow light and medium, Burnt Sienna, burnt umber, indigo, cadm red medium, sepia, yellow ochre, the green mix which is indigo, prylene green sap green and cadm yellow light.

I recently have posted some shorts on youtube, and I am trying to see what people are interested. On top of what I need to think about giving you all the variety to practice. I may do some mushroom. I don’t know if I would go to gouche, I am thinking about it. If anyone read this , please let me know if you are interested in Gouche, it will definitely to be confusing to watercolor painting.

I have lots of watercolor painting in the pipe line. I am super excited. Because of my fickle nature, I decided not to talk about it for now. And I would like to do another drawing video, for those of you who would like to do or watch drawing. I will be going to yellowstone national park a bit, and hopefully I will post some shorts for fun, sketching bisons etc. Okay this is sort of short post, I will go for now. Plenty of housework waiting for me. And watering flowers I still put more water on my flowers. You guys have fun painting along.


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