Watercolor spring flowers crocuses snow drop paint along demo Happy spring reunion

Hello my dear friends, thank you for visiting me here in my blog post. Spring is upon us, finally all the snow melted outside my front door, and I was about to see some tulips coming up. We will have fun enjoying some tulips painting very soon. I actually have not seen any crocus but that ought not stop us from painting them right. I really wanted to paint a full area of crocus, but that would have to wait, maybe even till next year. But it was fun and quite easy to manage, I hope you all will paint along. Snow drops are so pretty aren’t they. So determined to push through the ground, both of the plant actually, I have seen them in snow, pushing through and giving hope to those around them there warmth and hope is in the way.

I am really kind of exhausted nowadays. I didn’t sleep well cause somehow I got myself allergic to something and itching like mad. I think I got allergic to a cat and a dog and then come home and ate butter, allergies overload. My husband’s mom passed out, and we went to oregon to see her before she goes. I think she can hear us cause her eyes were moving so much under her lid, and she even knit her brows. I am so glad we get to tell her we love her one last time. She was in hospices at home, so we got there just in time to help her grand daughter, and woke up around 4am to take a shift of almost 12 hours. We administered morphine to her and some pain killer. Every hour. But that wasn’t too bad, until she got really messy with mucus, then my husband was on his own. I could give moral support, but he so lovingly clean her up every 15 mins, for hours. So she doesn’t have to choke. I watched him since I do have some tolerance to dirt. I was so proud of him for who he is. He did that for his father too. But that was harder things. He loves his dad so much too. What mom got was death rattles, and it was very very hard to take care of. Grand daughter lost her courage. By 10pm he sent me back to hotel, and he gave her a blessing and she left about 2 am. I am so glad we get to do that for her. Ada, my husband’s mom took care of her husband like a champ during his last years of dementia, and we know she deserved al lthe loving care we can offer her. We of course need to go back for funeral. And I am happy she can be with her good looking husband now, reunited. That was part of the thought for this painting, I thought of seperation, death, or whatever circumstances we found ourselves in, and we look forward to the passing of darkness to light, from winter to spring. When we have do our very best in the darkest of time, until the day when our God said that it is enough, and when spring comes, we can be united again. Afterall, this life is the time for us to learn and grow , and try to overcome all the yuckies that are in us. Our soul can override our tendency to do that which is wrong, we have to work on it, pray, have faith that help will come. And we can do our best and see what we are really made of. We are made of faith, love, hope, charity, and the love of God, courage, and endurance. Life can be very hard sometimes, but whenever we can, we must try to love and forgive, move on, help one another, all the things that are wholesome and of good reports we must try and do. Hopefully at the end of life, we can truly tell God that we think we have fight a very good fight. We still have a lot of uneasy things to work out, and I am so looking forward to come out the other end and did all the good things that we can.

Ok, so much rambling. Color used, snow drop: Paynes’ gray, green mix of indigo, prylene green, sap green and cadm yellow light, ground is sepia with dark black or ink, and crocus are cadm yellow light and med, cadm red dark or medium, I just realized if you have quin burnt orange that would be fun too. Diox purple, payne’s gray and green mix.

Hope you have fun painting along with me on this. You have a very happy spring, and please come again to paint along. love, Kathy


  • Lori

    I love this. I’m glad you showed how to do the background. Mine don’t always come out that great. I had fun painting this.

    • kathy

      Hi Lori, haha some painting there’s time! The background is fun but not as easy as it looks! But I know you, you will get it in no time! Have a great day! We are heading to my mother in law’s funeral!

  • Marjo Rietveld

    Hi Kathy,

    It was so much fun to paint along with you to do this snow drop and crocus. I really admire you and your work.
    I would love to visit you. I lived in Orem for a few years. And now I will visit Orem next week. Together with my daughter and grandchildren.
    Please send me your address and phone number, so I can give you a call.
    It would be such a pleasure for me.


  • Margie Frohlich

    Thank you Kathy. Your painting style is beautiful. I enjoy it. It’s the style of painting that I want to achieve.

  • Pat

    Thank you for teaching these paintings. I’ve done several as birthday cards for family and friends and they loved them. I’ve learned a lot from you. Thank you again. Pat

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