Watercolor pink poinsettias paint along tutorial demo Happy Christmas

Hello everyone, how are you doing? Are you enjoying all the fun things happening out there for the season. Did I tell you on my last post that we got concert tickets for Messiah, it is the full one. Haha what nerds are we? But we just loved it. The choir here in Utah had not performed since Covid, so this is really fun, after a couple years we can finally go enjoy the concert again. My husband knows a lot of music and he is not easy to pleased. So that is our only concert except for what we do at church. We used to go to a lot of high school concerts too for our children. That used to be fun, probably just because it is for our children. At the university we have nutcracker, and we haven’t been since the girls grew up. I also like to go to the city, to walk around look at lights and have a gingerbread cookie, yes, that is something I do. James and I will go up to some high places and look out to the city light and enjoy a ginger bread cookie with some milk, that is one of our tradition. Of course our church has a lot of get together, I just went to a book exchange with book club people. I belong to a neighborhood book club that read a lot of old books, we are working through the period of Jane Austen to Edwardian and so forth. We just finished Howard’s end. And we will go on to read A room with a view, so we can learn about that period more. I am trying to convince them to read North and South. I gave away my book from the book exchange to a friend that only got a journal, she was quite upset so I gave her my book. Only to loan as she will finish and come back to give back to me. I really enjoyed audible and is learning to be more focused. Some people can’t listen to books, I seemed to do ok, because I remembered more details than the one that just read them. Do you guys belong to book club. I found it hard to listen to book and paint, so I usually just listen to the scriptures. Or music is good too.

Ok on to the color used. The pink color is Magenta, and I hardly used any Quin Violet for the shadow. the green on the edge of the petals are sap green, and then my regular green mix which are indigo, cadm yellow light, sap green prylene green. I think that is it. I could have use some more purple but I like how it turned out. This painting will have a lot of practice on how to stay close to edge, it will help you overcome the nervousness of doing so. I choose not to include a lot more petals, so as to not overwhelm people. I think it turned out good.

I am now using some acrylics to paint some ornaments, I will keep practicing and if that turned out I will make a video of it. If not I will make a video of some easy fast paintings for cards, I think that would be fun. I have been out taking some pics of flowers, and I am thinking about a video of good composition. Let me think on it for a while, sometimes it will come true but then a lot of time I will give up for some reasons. But still lots of things to paint for winter seasons and I am very excited. I have a long lists of things to order to send to those children and grandchildren, it is all in good fun. They are such good kids I really delight in buying them stuff. I usually buy dresses for my daughters, or shoes, I am not sure if that is what i will do. Then my husband will take care of the boys. This year will be just James and I for Christmas, I am thinking creatively how to celebrate, maybe go eat out lol. I think in this video you will hear about my childhood experience on running a restaurant. Thank you, I am grateful for all of you, thank you for your support in this channel, I hope we have many years of fun together, and have a lovely day. love, Kathy


  • cjswitzer

    LUV…LUV….LUV this poinsettia. Makes me smile really big!!! Told my art class about how beautiful it is and hope I can do good on painting it myself.

  • Sondra

    It is March of 2023 already. I am just finding your beautiful watercolor tutorials. I love the poinsettia and usually try to do something artsy at Christmas and will keep this one in mind. Also your florals are wonderful. I enjoy your personal and open communication very much. Thank you for sharing your time and skills with others. Many blessings for you and your family.

    • kathy

      Hello thank you for coming here and leaving me a comment. Yes we should be able to paint chirstmas flowers anytime. I hope you have fun. And Ihope you enjoy the animals birds etc too. I love them all. But flowers are my favorite. Let me know if you enjoy painting along. Thank you.

  • Bonnie

    Just discovered your tutorials. The poinsettia is stunning. I am on my fifth “go” at it. Each one gets a little better, but I am not there yet!

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