Watercolor physalis chinese lantern paint along demo tutorial

Hello my friends, thank you so much for being here. I think you will really enjoy painting this physalis Chinese lantern. I had a lot of fun, especially the background adding a lot of little red orange lantern at the background. I added a little more green leaves as reality, because I wanted the contrast to be there, make the orange red color more beautiful. And I really hope you appreciate that I didn’t complain about the fugitive red color as much, as I used to complain a lot more. Hopefully in December we can do another poinsettias, but this time I will probably do a pink variegated one. Just for something different. But what I had planned is going to do penguin, as you can see that and wait for it to paint with me, it is relatively easy and fun. So outside the fall foliage is in full swing and I am so excited to go hiking this Friday, we will bring something to film my process, and at least put whatever footage I have on instagram and hope you will swing over there to take a look. My husband likes photography, as I will not be hiking into the deep mountain myself. I will have him there and hopefully be able to do something quick. And then more fun things to come to Youtube, so please subscribe and watch some of the thing I will be doing. More practice on my next inktober drawing painting, and therefore more shorter video to come. Thank you for you support, it means a lot to me.

Ok, on to the color used. I heavily used Cadm red medium on the lantern over a layer of cadm yellow medium as you can see. In order to make the burnt umber darker we can mix a little bit of lamp black just a little. Quite a bit of burnt umber too. Also you may drop some other red or magenta into it, I did not. I was too excited about teaching the form of the lantern. Then I use sepia and burnt umber for the branches, and then my regular green mix indigo, prylene green , sap green and cadm yellow light. You can spot some payne’s gray here and there, and mostly indigo and the same red and yellow in the background. Just the usual color. And as for the brushes you can see from my video, I explain them maybe more than I needed. I am going to order some more zero from oriental art supply, but I am not sponsored, nobody knows who I am. Haha. So if you like it you can also order for finer details.

This year in Utah the fall color has a lot of crimson, which is the red in them. That is my favorite, because Aspens are always going to be yellow. Yellow mixed with crimson and some orange, I just can’t wait to go hiking. And I talked to my husband about bringing a chair and my watercolor backpack, I am not so so good at outdoor painting yet. But I know I wanted to get myself used to the idea and practice so I can go faster. And here i can say, in Utah, outdoor, watercolor dry in an instant, that is kind of funny, but is something to have to learn and get better at. And I hope when i do my products I used video I will talk a bit on water control which seemed to bother a lot of people. I want and hope you guys will actually not worry about that so much as focus more on getting clean color and less mixing on the palette because the paid off is so much more. Try to use color by itself or let it mix on the paper, if you can trust me on that, through my years of experience, I know if we do that the color pay off is so good.

Yesterday one of our neighbor who is a successful artist is having a meet and greet in salt lake city. So we love him and drove up to see his show. His name is Karl Thomas and a very accomplished oil painter, artist. So he told me yesterday that Utah is very pretty this year, one of the best year to go painting and told me to try doing that a lot. It was so fun to soak up some good art. So my challenge for you is same for me, please go out and try to have some fun, and draw and paint, just have fun. And be sure to go to good galarie and look at good art. We will talk more on that as we paint. love you, thank you for stopping by and keep painting.


  • Lillian

    You don’t say if you just use paper or watercolor canvas. The size and number paper you prefer. Where you buy your supplies if you are allowed to tell that Thanks for sharing. Just lovely. Your attitude is infectious Lillian

    • kathy

      Thank you Lilian for your kind words! Glad you’re watching them and hope you can try the paint along too! And in answering to your question, I actually talked about paper a lot but they are all in my videos! But I know if you want to know how I felt about them then you will eventually be able to hear my take on it as you go through my videos! But in a nutshell it all depends! Most people don’t have my brushes, but if you do then you can use a 8 by 10 piece of watercolor paper! If you have smaller or bigger brushes then adjust the size of paper accordingly, don’t use small brushes in big drawing vice verses! I don’t tell people exactly what to buy because not everyone can go out and buy new sets! I do rave about some of my brushes though! All these you can hear in my videos! But not every videos or we have no time to chat! I like to be personal because I felt like I am with friends! I use arches or Stonehenge I talked about that a lot! Be careful not use frustrating papers, if you have some found it frustrating then try something else! I hope that answer your questions! Big or small up to you, but be sure to match your brushes to them! Only way to find out is through lots of practices! I have seen very outstanding artist using very cheap materials! It’s all in getting to be friends with your materials! And since I am not sponsored except by my husband I try not to make you guys buy things that are not necessary! Just be my friend and practice with me, thank you for your questions! I wish I have time to make a video on products but I will! Love Kathy

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