Watercolor sea turtle paint along tutorial demo

Hello my friends thank you so much for coming here for a visIt. I truly am an artist, and i think the longer one is in art, the more we can enjoy a lot of color. The same in my real life, I lately told my daughter that since I am now 56 years old, I am no longer bound by whatever fashion trends are out there, and I am to wear all colorful clothing for rest of my life as long as I can help it. She somewhat wholeheartedly supported me until I showed her some of my planned outfit of the day. She tolerated me, and I appreciate that. I am quite lucky that being Chinese I have somewhat of dark hair and dark eyes, so I can handle a lot of color. But my favorite are in the hue of purple, red blue, you can bring it on. And I am having a lot of fun lately since my resolution. This past Sunday I wore a dark paisley blouse plus a pink skirt with white and yellow daisies. Almost all of my friends looked at me up and down, and then proceed to tell me I looked pretty. So happy for their support. My daughter told me, in order to have them not suspect I put my outfit on in the dark, I must also wear jewelry, so I proceeded to find an old little girls’ necklace that is pink and sparkles, and wore that. The first reaction was from a little girl in front of my seats, she looked at my necklace, then touched her. I told her I love her cupcake necklace, she told me my necklace is real pretty because it sparkles. I almost gave her my necklace cause I just love little girls, especially one that has fashion sense. I had so much fun. Now Sunday is the day I practice color and pattern mixing, how fun is that. Don’t worry I practice that daily, who knows life can be so much fun when you set out to do what you always wanted. My mother is a champ at pattern mixing, probably because she has to, being poor and all. She doesn’t go thrifting but she goes to factory outlets, often she would buy wool sweater for 5 dollars. When we used to go visit her, my little daughter always told me that her grandma is very stylish. Her other grandma, my husband’s mom has more money, and often would go into dillard’s and buy 150 dollars worth of clothing while waiting for her husband to pick her up. But my mom is the true stylish woman, able to work with what she has. And now that I am an artist, I really can’t deal with beige and black and white anymore. I thrifted a lot, I felt like Savers is my closet sometimes. The other day, when I looked at a nice older lady with a very cute acorn T shirt, I turned to my husband and said , when is she going to donate that to Savers. Do you think I have a problem????

I have never been diving, but I love to think that under the sea, there must be so much color. So here is really my take of it. I had a lot of fun. I hope I get the list correct and feel free to throw in some of your favorite color too. I think you can add magenta, bright green, orange etc, just remember to put them on the turtle breast so it is a bit consistent. Ok the turtle body mainly quin burnt orange, yellow ochre, Indigo, royal blue, sap green, Payne’s gray and Dioxazine purple. Same mix of color go for the vegetations and then at the end I added turquoise in the water, so I bring some into the turtle.

Just a note about painting this turtle post, since Mr turtle is swimming towards the edge, just be sure to keep an eye on all the lines, so they are generally facing same direction. For example the lines of the month is about the same shape as the line of the head right above it. Same as the breast plate, be sure to have that general line going same direction. If you do that, then it is more believable and not to appear a bit strange. Otherwise have fun painting along and you have a very good rest of the summer. I reckon a lot of kids are already back at school. Maybe you can have your break in the day time to paint with me. Thank you so much for your help and support, love you all. Kathy


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