Watercolor crane water lilies paint along demo tutorial

Hello my dear friends, how are you all doing? Thankyou so much for visiting here, and I would like to hear from you if you have any questions. I answer email, or a comment here and Youtube comments very quickly, however on Pinterest I am very confused, so if any of you ever left a comment there and wondered why I didn’t respond, then you know that I am not trying to ignore you.

School probably has started for everyone. Here we are so conscious of school schedules because my husband is a professor, my son in law is now in Florida starting school, and my grandchildren are also in schools. So I guess most of our life is run by school schedule which is ok, it is what it is. We have to plan everything around in, not so much now for my husband and me, because he can if he has to take a day off. It is quite nice sometimes but not really enough to go visit families. We took our daughter and her husband to Florida because it was so much money to hire a uhaul, we decided to rent a van and drove some of their belonging down. We ended up having to buy a lot of furniture again because of limited space to pack. But it turned out to be a great adventure, my first time to Florida, and I fall in love with the bayous. Before that I wanted to say a little about my husband and our journey to New Jersey when we were young, I remembered the long trip with my nine months old, and it was very long. The thing that kept me alive was chocolate, but now that I am older I can’t do that. I was still nursing my baby then. But I fall in love with the town Princeton as soon as we got there, it was so lush and green, and the loving feeling continued as it went into fall, I had never seen so many nice fall foilage before. And it was a very festive town, there was actually a wool sweater clothing store in the township and even though I couldn’t afford the clothing in there, I still love going there in the fall to see the lovely sweaters in all fall colors of cream, burnt orange , red, and deep forest green, and navy blue. See when one decided to do painting, one would really noticed all the colors, and the world is really so much more lovely to be in. I had loved the town of Princeton and the people there for four years, while I ran around with my daughter, the first one. My husband was buried deep into his research then. I know the town so much better than him. I had loved the people too, a lot of Jewish people there, and sometimes it was hard to find Christmas decorations, but I love the people when you get to know them. I used to go on walk daily and never had to put sunscreens on because I was mainly covered by canopy of trees. And I hope my daughter will have same experience as me, will find florida very nice. Even though she is so far away, she is still doing a lot of the technical work here with computer stuff, so I felt very comfortable with my youtube and blog here. We still run a shop here, and it really is my intention to take time to do originals to sell here, so stay tuned and I will announce one I gathered my stuff and time. Thank you for being my friends, I really have this good feeling inside me everytime I do my painting and blog post and everything. Because I felt like I am saying hi and giving something to people that I have never met but are so kind to me.

I do get very sentimental I know, but you know I am very true to my feeling and do love your friendship. Ok on to the paint color I use here, Crane of course is payne’s gray and little bit of indigo, remember to not overdo shadows. Beak is sepia. Background is mainly my green mix, indigo, prylene green, sap green, and the flowers are quin violet and magenta.

It is a very fun piece to paint along, I hope you will try it, and paint with me. Everytime you do a painting you will improve so much, and since they are so fun, I hope you will paint along with me often. Thank you for coming here, and I will talk to you again soon. love, Kathy


  • Lisa


    I just want you to know that I just absolutely love to watch you paint. I am only 3 months into my watercolor journey and I really want to attempt your tutorials but I don’t have a printer and I’m awful at drawing. I did ask for a printer on my Christmas list so I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to paint with you soon.
    I love your personality so much and I told my son that if you lived in my area that we would be best friends. You make me smile and even laugh from time to time. I have watched every tutorial multiple times and I can’t hardly wait for the day to have just half of your painting skills. Also I love your stories.

    • kathy

      Lisa you are so kind to me! Thank you for your comment! And I sure hope you will get a printer for Christmas! You can print the line drawing on paper and then maybe trace it into watercolor paper? I’m sure you have it all figured out in your mind! Good watercolor paper will make things easier on you! And I hope you have lots of fun! Let me know how it goes, and you have a very happy holidays!!!!

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