Fairy hut watercolor paint along demo tutorial

Welcome everyone to this fun paint along. As I mentioned in the video, this is a painting I made for my first granddaughter, Marie, for Christmas for her room. Oh how I just love all of those grandkids, I always loved to paint for them, so they can have art in their environment. And hope to spark interest in them when they are a bit older. So this bit of information is very important and could benefit all of us. Watercolor is a very hard medium, this little Marie was very frustrated at the age of 3. I realized they need to first start with color pencil, or crayon, and practice for a period of time, and before they can venture into watercolor, it maybe very beneficial to venture into watercolor pencil. And gave their litte hand fingers to learn to coordinate with the brain. The brain would surely catch up in a period of time. And they will be enjoying the spontaneous of watercolor. Everyone has to begin somewhere. When I was little, during my journal of learning, I was fortunate enough to run into some girl scout organization, and they gave me a very simple book of watercolor. It is one of those that the color is already on the page, all one has to do is to put water on brush and paint. Still that needs a lot of practice, the first four pages looked like a big mess, but then the brain will help you try to be careful with the amount of water, and then when one is finally done with the book, it will be very happy and then we have learn something. This year I may make a few video just to practice watercolor. Let me try one first and then see if it is actually welcome by everyone, and we can go from there.

Do you guys love fairies, I think a lot of people do. I think some of us would even claim that we have seen one or two when we were young. My memory is not that great anymore, but I had always enjoyed playing in dark corner of parks and loved to be visited by little ants and bugs. I hate big bugs but little ones I have fun with. My memory of being in Princeton New Jersey when my husband was in graduate school, and that first summer of seeing fireflies the first time. A lot of my friends claims that Hong Kong actually have fireflies, well if it did, I had never seen any. But I loved that the environment was magical, with sparkling fireflies everywhere. I was then with my first child and my husband managed to capture one for us to see more clearly. And we eventually released it, cause we were probably more stressed than the little bug that she would died. It was only that one night. I guess the weather has to be just right. I truly enjoyed Princeton’s vegetations, but the humidity was so hard for me. But it was a magical place. We had bunnies coming out of the little forest area behind our apartment and that was fun for my little girl. I love magic, I love magical area, always love to explore. Now that I am finally grown up, I love hiking, and if we can I always try to cox my husband to go out on a walk with me at night to see the sky and the darkness. We actually had a privilege of going being a hedgehog driving home to cabin from my in law’s lake. And that was magical.

Ok the colors used in this painting. Cadm yellow medium and light, the red mushroom is mix of cadm red medium and cadm yellow medium, the green stem are my green mix, indigo, prylene green, sap green and cadm yellow light. The sunflowe petals are cadm yellow light and med, plus some quin burnt orange. Sepia is a big one here. And some burnt umber to break up some of the gray. Paynes gray, plus some indigo sometimes for shadow. Dioxizine purple and indigo for atmosphere.

Hey have so much fun painting with me. Say hi to me on youtube or here. Have fun and I will see you soon. Love all of you.


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