watercolor hollyhock pink demo paint along tutorial

Hello everyone thank you for coming to say hi here. Today we have a fun hollyhock for painting along. This is really the season and we are very grateful we have some nicer weather. I went over to my old neighbor friend, hopefully to say hi, but she didn’t come out. Suffering from dementia. Her hollyhock is looking beautiful, so I had fun observing this lovely flowers. Which is often time features in English garden a lot. Probably because of the tightness of the flowers and the big blooms that creep up as they grow. They are a favorite of insects though. I remembered my friend complaining about the holes in her leaves, and they still have holes a lot this year. However the flower itself are not so much affected. Do you have hollyhock or someone grow in their house? I hope you can go out and observe them and then come back in to paint with me. They reminds me of childhood, fun, summer fun. Of course school started in most places, are you all in a busy mode. I am not so sure about most of your profession or are you mainly retired people. I hope you had a fun summer visiting families. WE had a very very busy summer with the birth of another grand daughter. She is growing up gaining weight and cuteness. I really love all of my grandkids, hope you had fun too with families.

Ok let’s talk about color used. Magenta, quin violet, french ultramarine, my green mix which are indigo, prylene green, sap green and cadm green light. This time we use cadm green med also for the center of the flower. other than that I think we are all good. Just the color nature produced and so easy to get our hands on I hope. And the brushes, I talked about them in the video and you can watch and follow along. But those brushes are very good, but not necessarily the one that you must get. But if you want to try to chinese made brushes that had been around for many years, I have a product list in this my blog that you can even click on the links to see. Also watercolor paints are included. And I am going to begin to link some supplies for making good herbal teas. I love them and they are so warming for the upcoming fall season.

I hope you guys have a very fun time doing this painting. I had read some really old books lately. I guess maybe I will talk about them soon in my video. I also want to include a time lapse video in my channel and see if it is helpful to some people. Thank you so much. Have a very good day and I will see you again soon.


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