Watercolor daisy with a bee visitor paint along tutorial demo

Hello my friends, how are you doing? Hey thank you for landing yourself here in my blog again. Is that grammatically correct? in my blog? I hope so if not it’s ok right? So what do you think about the daisies? Fun to paint along for sure. I hope you will try it. If I may say so it should be so much fun. One you realized that using background to bring out the white and practice some, it will be very easy from now on. Paint some of the obvious shadow too. Now my next video will be a lilies, however if you hurry, you maybe able to get this done for mother? grandma? And they will love it because it is coming from you, with a little help from me. And I am sure they will frame it and treasure it always. Hand painted cards are magical. Do you know that my brother is my biggest fan, and my sister too. They ordered a lot of cards from me, and when they give someone a card, they will always said it is a print of me, and the recipient will always take another look. I have gotten my brother out of some tight spots lol, truly. So he loves the cards and painting. And even some relatives in Hong Kong still treasure my paintings. What I am trying to say is, go ahead, do it even though maybe you have higher expectations, keep at it and it will do well. But meanwhile don’t be too afraid of giving them out. You can scan them and try to use a photoshop or something and try to print them out. By parents or grandparents and children, let’s not forget them always love original. And let’s not forget your friends too, my neighbors love my stuff, and I can sometimes use them for presents at wedding and baby showers etc. It is mighty fun. You are at the right place. I hope you are having lots of fun. And be not afraid, just keep trying.

So if you also follow me on Instagram, also sunset peonies for searching. I sometimes post extra little fun reels, like yesterday I posted a reel on me painting on a chalk board at the local university, and I actually signed it on the board, I don’t know, maybe one day they will go after me. I didn’t have any chalk color other than just white and blue, but I painted a bird. So go look at it if you have time. I like to go down to do things like that, mainly during finals, just to life the kids’ spirit a bit. And I get a lot of likes and views. But you can see me drawing too that way. I love chalk board drawing, so fun and spontaneous. I love students, no matter what level they are, I think they are working hard for a better future and I like to give them encouragement.

Hey I am something down the pipeline that I am working on. It’s still in the work, but I am going to go through and whole process of practicing and creating, and I hope you will all like to see them. From drawing to practicing and then to watercolor painting, so stay tuned and it will all be fun. I think it is mighty fun to go through the whole process with you, because the learning to draw part can be very fun too. It will be all up to you, if you are the one who love to draw and learn how. Drawing is extremely relaxing. I am very excited, some more editing and things to work out, but it will all be good.

Ok let’s go on to the color used. The center of the flower are quin burnt orange, cadm yellow medium and some burnt umber and if more intense color is needed a little black. Petals are mainly payne’s gray and a bit of indigo, and maybe sneak a bit of quin violet or any red violet in there for a relief for the eyes. The bee’s color is cadm yellow med, black burnt umber and a bit violet and paynes gray. Background color is my green mix. You can watch the video and it will be all there. And hope you guys will look at my magnolia post for the link to the brush. If you get it then have fun. It will be good.

Ok you all have fun with this. The drawing under should be easy to follow. And keep your brush wet and I will talk to you again soon. Be sure to subscribe to me on youtube, Your support and encouragement means the world to me.

love, Kathy


  • Lori

    I finished this painting a few days and forgot to say thank you. I really do appreciate that you take the time to film and create videos. My painting is improving by following you. I gave a painting as a card to a friend today and they really appreciated it. One question, when I use Daniel Smith prylene green it looks streaky and I can’t seem to blend it. That doesn’t happen with any other colour. Does that happen to you?
    Thanks again.

    • kathy

      Hi Lori I am so glad you did a painting! I hope you had fun! About the prylene green the one I used is from schminke! I think it also is sedimentary too! And so is indigo! With sedimentary color they tend to just settle in paper quickly and refused to move! One way to overcome that is to use a lot of water with it! So maybe you can mix with more water the first layer and try to intensify color second layer! You can just draw a few leave and see if that works! Or you can work really fast! I tend to try to go fast with my green mix because there are indigo and prylene green! Sap green is easier but not dark enough on its own! Most darker darker are sedimentary! I know a lot of watercolorists sometimes not try to use them! But I think to be true to nature we need those colors! I hope this help! Next time when I film my green mix if I remember I will try to show how to be fast! I am working on black eye susan with a leave so I think you will realize that when you watch that! Thank you!

  • Georgena


    Thank you again for another wonderful tutorial. You are so detailed and that is why I really enjoy the way you teach.

    Thanks again, Georgena

    • kathy

      Hi Georgena, how are you? Thank you for your comment! I am actually thinking I remembered something that happened to my uncle and I wanted to tell you guys during a paint along! I am glad you enjoyed my details! Have a wonderful day!

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