Watercolor cherry blossoms paint along. we will address painting white flowers and paint around the shape. Creating atmosphere.

Hello my friends here, so sorry took me couple of days to upload this post. It has been busy so fun busy. This weekend is our LDS church general conference weekend, we get to listen to all the leaders speaking to us. Our usual church meetings are canceled and families like to get together and watch conference together. It goes from Saturday morning at 10am, and all together 4 sessions of 2 hours, so it goes from Saturday to Sunday. I absolutely love it, I love to hear the teaching of the church and the prophets and apostles. And this year we get to have my younger daughter and son in law to be with us, so I have been busy going around getting food and ingredients ready. Saturday night we have a women’s session, so Rachel and I are going to fix some good curry and pad kee mow for our dinner, I am super excited. Send the boys out to have burgers.

I hope you guys may have a chance to watch the video before coming to this post. Some extra information here, but mainly everything is in the video. Tree blossoms are finally coming out for a showing, and it is very fun to see them just all over the town. I went and visited the Sakura down on the university and they are having a hard time, but I think though even they are late, they will come forth very soon. It is a beautiful tree and this year I may try to cut a little sprig off to bring home, it all depends, I wouldn’t do that if the tree is just too tender for cutting. Last year I just took bunch of pictures, it is not the same, the real thing is so much prettier. I need to cut some of my peach blossoms in my yard to display inside, that is really beautiful too. If you are one of the lucky one who get to go to Washington DC or even Japan, please leave me a note and describe to me your experience, I would love to know about it here.

Ok, the color used is my usual green combo, quin violet, prylene green for the stamens, cadm red medium for the stamens also. And a little bit of it for the center of the flower, cadm yellow also wherever you see yellow. Payne’s gray, Magenta for the petals , and indigo for some of the background. I just realized how many different color you can mix with just those combinations. Nature is very much around green yellow and red, when we get better we can actually mix a lot of color and it will be so good and pretty, because it will be very coherent. My channel on Instagram is sunset_peonies, the people there seemed to like the pansies painting a lot. And I will post a reel of this painting there too, in couple of days. And on pinterest also. I guess it is good to be on the social media, there is where people look for things. I actually really like pinterest, because the people there seem to be very agreeable with my art, and I am sure a lot of them come here to look at the video too. Thank you everyone for your interest and support, and I hope I can do a great job helping everyone understands what I am doing.

Also I promised the quote from Leonardo Da vinci, about shape and forms and shadow. So here it is.

The beginnings and ends of shadow lie between the light and darkness and may be infinitely diminished and infinitely increased. Shadow is the means by which bodies display their form. The forms of bodies could not be understood in detail but for shadow. Leonardo da Vinci.

So what he is saying is we should shadow to bring out the form of an object, and through shadow we can see the form, without doing that many object will be just flat, flat square circle rectangle, but with keeping shadows in mind always, we can see cones, pyramids, pipes, tubes, rocks, mountains, egg, and many many forms. So be sure not to bypass that in your pursue of art, it is a very very important part. We would not be happy looking at the painting that we created and realized that there is something strange about it. I love light and shadow, I love background, and am very grateful we can have a good understanding of it. So pay attention as you paint along with me on this, and as you keep practicing being careful with shadow and light, it will soon become second nature to you.

Once again thank you for coming, and hope you have a very good time painting along. If any questions about this painting, please ask.

love, Kathy


  • Sherry

    I love your beautiful paintings and your techniques you use. I have trouble with wet on wet, but your style looks easy and beautiful. I’m going to try this one of the cherry blossoms first and hopefully if it turns out well I will give it to my daughter-in-law.
    Keep painting and thank you for sharing.
    I did have 1 question. I can’t find where to download your line drawings.

    • kathy

      Hi Sherry, welcome here and thank you for your kind encouragement! Don’t get frustrated, with time all the techniques will becomes easier! I try to help out with easy to follow and please let me know how it goes for you after you try! Ok so now you’re in my blog, just go find the cherry blossom post and scroll down to the bottom of my long winded post and there should be a line drawing there you can trace! You can right click to copy to one of your file and then you can print it to just trace it on the screen if you like! Hope that helps, if not please ask again and I will have my technical team which is my daughter to walk you through, she likes to help! Thank you Kathy

  • Jeannie

    Kathy, thank you for the wonderful tutorials! I love your channel and appreciate you so much because I know it’s a lot of work. Your guidance is invaluable!

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