Sunflowers watercolor

Sunflowers watercolor paint along tutorial. Experiment with different shades of yellow orange.

Hello, I hope everyone is having a good day. This is my second time doing this sunflowers because my first one I was listening to Lord of the Rings Audiobook while painting, and I do not like voice over, I felt like I am guessing myself. So since I really love painting, I don’t mind doing another one. As I know you guys really like this painting. I have a sunflowers watercolor that I used to sell in my etsy shop as cards, now it is watercolor bigger prints, I will upload a pic of that after I typed up this post. That one sunflowers card was a favorite for many people for a long time, and a lot of people saved and try on Pinterest too. That gave me an idea that people like to paint sunflowers. So I decided it’s time to get this video redo and upload so if you guys like it, you can actually paint along. In this I used light yellow, medium yellow, quin burnt orange and burnt umber for the darker part of the petals. And the center of the flowers I used payne’s gray, blue purple and burnt umber, you will hear my explanations for that in the video. It was fun, background was fun to paint too. I hope you can try it. It is sunflowers fall seasons now outside, we have lots of wild sunflowers and big head ones to look at, this year probably because of the lack of moistures they are very prolific, beautiful and saturated. My son in law used to go on a run and pick some for my daughter.

I recently saw an almost abstract sunflower painting, it uses most of the color that we used here, I am dying to try it out, so it will be on my list of painting, I really think you guys will probably like it too. So here is a not so tentative list I have floating in my head for what more to come. Pine cones, Poinsettias, Christmas Bear(or a bear with wintry scene), sheep wintry scene, bur first maybe tomorrow I will do a fall wren video. Hope I can do most of these, on top of painting my sister’s beloved cat for Christmas cards for her, she loves that each year. Oh and I have commission too let’s not forget that.

I hope everyone is having a very nice fall. School started for college students already. My son in law and daughter are back into their own apartment closer to school. College is hard for everyone, but they are working hard for their future and I am very proud of them. In my humble opinion, I think college is harder than real world or life’s demands, but it’s a good training for kids to push themselves to work very hard. Having said that, it’s very hard to watch my children struggle, wish I could do it for them. However I had my own four years many years ago, I graduated with a business degree in finance. Which is much easier than my daughter’s applied Math and my son’s Computer Science. I am not as bright as they are, but I am glad I did it and had a degree. Now I am very blessed to be able to do art fun. Trying hard and overcoming challenge is still the same. It is true that things in life that are worthwhile require us to work at it, develop our endurance and work ethics and hopefully we can look back and see that we have improved. Journey is fun but not always right? But I think we must push along. One of the thing that helps my daughter to overcome some of her anxiousness in school is doing her blog, her food blog. She needs to feed her husband so she likes to try new things. She does a lot of Asian food, and a lot of baking. I will enclosed her recent cinnamon rolls. We have this sweet roll recipe that is also salty, she used that for the cinnamon rolls and I am so glad it turned out. Her husband loves them, and now I think my brother who also has a very sweet tooth is trying to learn it. Thanks to her blog, because my two brother lives in LA county and we haven’t seen them for a while. It’s hard to travel down there two days drive and flying is tricky nowadays. Ok, well her blog is doing well and has a lot of yummy food in there, since we figured out this video filming thing, which is not an easy task to navigate, we like to do video. Most of her recipes has video or at least time lapse instructions, I hope you guys go try some of her food too. She is allergic to dairy so her food is dairy free. Here is her blogs link her instagram is laksagoodstuff also.

Thank you for letting me talk so much, I love all of you and hope you are doing well and keep your brushes wet. Please leave comments or suggestions and i will see what I can do. love, Kathy

Pics below for cinnamon rolls and my original watercolor sunflowers I painted many years ago.


  • Toni

    I love this sunflower. I think I’m going to try it soon. I’m just a beginner. But I want to learn some flowers and love sunflowers. Thanks for the instructions.

    • kathy

      Hi Toni welcome to my blog and so glad you found us! Yes I hope you gather your supplies and really have fun! The more you do this the funner it gets! Let me know how it goes!

  • Jean Marie Salanoa

    Hi Kathy! I love your art and your beautiful sweet spirit. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us! I go to the same church and also appreciate your inspirational testimony as you share your art instructions!

    I am home caring for my stepmom who has dementia and so I started painting with watercolors to help me manage my thoughts and express my feelings. I love it so much!
    Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and blessings to help me!

    • kathy

      Hi jean Marie thank you so much for reaching out to me! You are the first member!!! I s as m so glad you found me! In one of my video I talked about my mom’s dementia, you are very kind to be taking care of your step mother! Good luck to all that you do, keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing with painting and care! Love kathy

  • Lyn

    Dear Kathy, I really enjoyed your tutorial and learning about your life in Utah! I swim 40 laps 3 times a week to keep fit and am 71 years young! I have just started painting and am really enjoying it. I’m not nearly as good as you and hope that one day I will be!

    • kathy

      Hi Lyn thank you for telling me about you! It mean so much to me that you reach out! I was just at a museum and saw a painting from a lady painted at 83, and it was hanging on a wall, in a museum! I turned around and told my husband, whowho I have a long way to go!!! Hey let’s have fun this coming year, you never know what I can cook up! Keep in touch! Love Kathy!!!

  • Barbara Chassay

    Hi Kathy,

    I tried your sunflower, the challenge was those darn pencil marks, either I make them too dark or too light. I did however finish it and shared it with my two daughters who saw yours and mine and were like, wow Mom! I laugh when I hear them say that, but they are my favorite critics , they always tell the truth.
    I am a self taught painter, I have watched and done many tutorials, videos etc… your tutorial was very easy to follow you take your time and share your stories, which I found very interesting especially the one about depression.
    Thank you your friend in Christ Jesus

    Barbara Chassay

  • Barbara Betts

    I absolutely love your technique and attention to detail. I am going to try this hopefully today, depending on how my day unfolds.

  • Sandra Fisher

    I really enjoy your tutorials and your style. I’ve tried your poppies, sunflowers and daisies. Mine aren’t as artistic as yours but I still have fun.

  • Sally Simpson

    Hello Kathy
    Just finished this lesson, I really enjoyed it, I am not happy with my background so will try it again one day. After doing some of your other lessons, I’ve done 10 now!
    I like hearing about your life as much as the lesson, you have a lovely soul.
    Maybe one day you could give a lesson on painting a wild or a few wild Foxgloves we get them everywhere in England in the Spring and they are so pretty. But if not , not a problem. Thank you once again for all the fun with you. Sally

  • Sally Simpson

    Hello Kathy
    second time painting this , enjoyed it once again, a family member asked for my first copy since they like it so much, hence the second cooy which I feel is better by far than my first attemt. Your stories are relaxing and very enjoyable so please keep them going.
    Many thanks once again for your lessons you have taught me so much already, i look forward to my next lessons.
    Sally East Sussex UK

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