Watercolor clematis tutorial paint along. Lets explore more on color mixing and drawing technique on expression of forms

Hello everyone, how are you guys today? Are you having fun watching olympic. More on that later ok. Maybe. Haha I will explain.

So this fun Clematis should be easy to follow. As I told you in the video, after much observing my neighbor’s clematis few years back, I finally design and put this together. I enjoyed seeing them grow from buds to maturity. Every day or every few days, I went over to visit my neighbor who was a widow a lot, because I knew she was lonely and wanted to be visited. But sometimes she is very grumpy and picky, but generally overall she loves seeing me. We talked about everything and nothing, and I missed her a lot. She now moved closer to one of her sons and actually remarried. But she has this beautiful clematis, I need to go over there to check if it is still there, it was her pride including her roses. I love seeing them bloomed and matured and then the center becomes this wiry thing, which I painted in this painting. Hers was in the shadow and it did quite well, lots of blooms, that’s why I included some suggestions of blooms in the background. I could actually make them more intense, meaning more blooms, but that actually is more light purple in the background, if you guys choose to do so you certainly can. Just remember, as the ancient artists said in China, Peonies though good must have the accompaniment of the leaves. So no matter how good and beautiful the color of any flowers are, it gave people a place to escape if we remember the green. Green sets off many colors, like her purple, or pink, or red, orange, almost everything, I love my green mix. If you want to know what they are please refer to any other blog post, I hate to bore you too much. This purple is is staining color, I have a hard time lifting it if I were to leave it for a few seconds, but then you don’t have to deal with the problem with color lifting while you do the second layer. I did a little bit of outline just for the stylized effect of it, I hope you like it. My original few years back was actually outlined by markers, but I like this one too. Just didn’t want to do an outline flower this time. But the lines that were added was to show the movement of the flowers, I quite like it. I hope you do too. I combined indigo with dioxazine purple I think the two color match very well. Only a little of indigo were used especially in darker area, to bring out the form of petals. I hope you can hardly see it but it’s there and it gives variety to the painting. I hope you love doing that, because as you practice it will actually help get over the fear of putting one color on top of another when the paint is still wet. Disasters only happened when colors are not good partners. But this two color are perfect friends, and you can try using them in any other things in the future, and if you do, please let me know, I would love to see it. I love the email and pictures that some of you have sent me, I am happy for you that you tried, and hope you keep trying and have fun along the way. I still very much enjoyed the focus and the solitude of the whole thing. Also the determination to not give up and endure to the end, and the relentless spirit of problem solving. It makes life interesting and fun. And I love making friends with you, please let me know by emailing me if you can’t get over some problem, I would love to give it a try. You are not bothering me at all.

Quite love Olympic especially the athletes! I know couple of them trying to go to olympic amd realized the hard work thst goes into it! neither of them ever made it, personal injuries from training! it was a good aspiration but a lot of competition really! the first one i know told me that three hours of training a day was really not quite enough but their group were all university students! They have sponsors so at least ni part time job! So after class is practice and then homework! atill three hours were enough to incur injuries! my friend is currently living in china i am sure he had fun going to olympic!

I am going to stop here, thank you for being my friend, love all of your support and hope you will stay with me and grow together, and i love to mention that I would love to see your subscription and like and support and comments. Have a very good night.

love, Kathy

I use ink pen so you cam see clearly but you definitely do not want to push as dark ok your watercolor paper


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